Plans, Policies & Guides
The objective of the Business Retention + Expansion Program was to gain a deeper understanding of the issues and priorities regarding businesses located in East Ferris.
A community improvement plan is a revitalization tool used to achieve community planning, urban design and economic development objectives for a defined area. This plan allows the municipality to offer financial incentives to landowners and tenants who are looking to invest in the community and their properties. Additionally, the plan assists the municipality to study and plan for capital projects and other municipal initiatives.
The purpose of the community improvement plan is to create a mechanism to promote investment, generate economic development, encourage affordable housing and increase tax assessments.
The goals of the community improvement plan have been prepared by the working group and are consistent with the Municipality’s Official Plan. The goals of the plan are:
- i) To enhance East Ferris as a unique entrepreneurial community;
- ii) To strengthen East Ferris in terms of vibrancy, diversity and economic viability by stimulating investment interest, specifically within a business park;
iii) To encourage and assist private property owners to rehabilitate and expand current business offerings and locations to ensure their long-term viability;
- iv) To maintain a vibrant, economically viable retail and service base within East Ferris;
- v) To encourage and promote affordable housing;
- vi) To promote development of existing brownfield sites;
vii) To encourage new businesses to locate within and existing businesses to remain within East Ferris;
viii) To construct and/or rehabilitate buildings and structures to improve their function and/or appearance;
- ix) To create opportunity to promote development where existing industrial or commercial buildings can be developed or redeveloped in a manner,which reinforcesthe functional role of the area, provides opportunities for energy conservation, and, at the same time, provides for the enhancement of the municipal tax base; and
- x) To promote unique and sustainable development which is compatible with surrounding uses which will not conflict with the function or economic role ofthe area for residential, commercial or industrial purposes.
East Ferris Community Improvement Plan
East Ferris Community Improvement Plan - Application Process
Prior to applying for financial incentives offered through the Community Improvement Plan, please ensure that your project/investment idea is eligible for funding.
Should you have any questions related to the Plan or the Application Process, contact our Planning Department at (705) 752-2740 ext. 223.
To view the Official Plan for the Municipality of East Ferris, simply click on the link below.
Official Plan- Ministry Approved 2016
Schedules to Official Plan - Ministry Approved 2016
The Municipality of East Ferris is working to further develop the community’s economic foundation through the initiation of several new projects to support the growth and development of the community. With the goal of exploring opportunities that will contribute to continued growth and community development, while fostering local and regional partnerships in an effort to become a more sustainable community in the future, the Municipality embarked on the process of developing an Economic Development Strategy. This was updated in 2022.