Plans, Policies & Studies
We have a variety of plans, policies and studies available to view and download. Some of these documents may be found elsewhere on our website, but this page serves as a repository for all plans, policies and studies.
This accessibility plan outlines the policies and actions that will be put in place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities. This policy will updated at least once every five years.
Accessibility Policies and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Policy
2010 Accessibility Plan Update
2009 Accessibility Plan Update
2008 Accessibility Plan Update
The Active Transportation Master Plan (ATP) is a long-term policy document that boldly leads East Ferris into a new era of active transportation. The ATP refers to active transportation as involving “pedestrians and cyclists” and activities defined as “walking and cycling.” In doing so, it does not preclude active transportation by assisted devices such as motorized scooters and wheelchairs or by other forms such as running, in-line skating and e-bikes. The ATP sets out goals and objectives, proposes the development of active transportation facilities over 20 years, and recommends changes to related municipal plans and policies. It proposes an increase in the annual AT reserve from $25,000 to $100,000. This is the first ATP prepared by the municipality to advance its vision of a vibrant and healthy rural community. The ATP does not bind the municipality to specific investments, it is simply a roadmap to a future where every AT activity in East Ferris is increased and feels enjoyable, safe and convenient.
Asset management planning is the process of making the best possible decisions regarding the building, operating, maintaining, renewing, replacing and disposing of infrastructure assets. The objective is to maximize benefits, manage risks, and provide satisfactory levels of service to the public in a sustainable manner. Asset management requires a thorough understanding of the characteristics and condition of infrastructureassets, as well as the service levels expected from them.
Asset Management Policy
The Municipality of East Ferris has several boards and committees to ensure that there is appropriate consultation to assist Council in making informed decisions. Most committees (Advisory Committees and Ad Hoc Committees) are established to act in advisory role to Council although some are statutory in nature (Statutory Committees) and are established in accordance with legislation. Local Boards and Boards of Directors/Management of Local Agencies are established and governed by Provincial legislation. The purpose of this policy is to support the appointments to and the terms of reference for boards and committees that are established by Council or mandated by the Province.
Download the PDF
Revised April 2024
The objective of the Business Retention + Expansion Program was to gain a deeper understanding of the issues and priorities regarding businesses located in East Ferris.
The Municipality has introduced a Commemorative Parks Donation Program as a way to honour loved ones in the community. Options include the purchase of park benches and trees, or the adoption of existing trees within our parks.
The purpose of the Corporate Communications Policy is to ensure that the municipality’s communications practices are consistent, appropriate, efficient, effective, timely, and meet the needs of the community. The Municipality of East Ferris recognizes the importance of having open and transparent communications with its citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders, and that each of them has different communication needs. This policy will serve as a guiding document to support corporate communications practices and make information more accessible in order to meet those needs.
The purpose of this policy is to effectively inform, educate and engage citizens in a transparent and collaborative manner that promotes greater participation in municipal government. This policy outlines the Municipality’s commitment to inclusive community engagement processes to ensure quality communication, citizen involvement and community participation for a variety of purposes: inform, consult, involve, collaborate and empower.
Community Improvement Plan
A community improvement plan is a revitalization tool, used to achieve community planning, urban design and economic development objectives for a defined area. Numerous Ontario communities have successfully implemented Community Improvement Plans, which allows the ability to offer financial incentives to landowners and tenants, and to study and plan for capital projects and other municipal initiatives.
Community Improvement Plan Application Process
The Municipality of East Ferris continues to build on its economic foundation through the advancement of new projects and ideas that foster continued growth and development. Municipal staff are committed to providing services that assist with the establishment of new businesses and support the growth of existing businesses within the community, a priority that has been identified by Council.
A Community Safety and Well Being Plan has been approved by Council in keeping with legislation under the Ontario Police Services Act. The Plan provides ongoing and future direction for a safe and healthy East Ferris, highlights opportunities for greater integration by concerned community organizations to avoid anyone being left behind and difficult situations from escalating into a crisis. Its focus is on addressing root causes of social issues and enhancing what is currently working well in East Ferris.
The purpose of this policy is to support the Municipality of East Ferris’ dedication to serving the community. The Municipality recognizes the importance of public input and welcomes complaints and requests for service as valuable forms of feedback. This policy provides the public with an avenue for submitting complaints and requests for service and provides employees with consistent practices for handling complaints and requests for service. The policy will assist the Municipality in continuing to provide excellent service to the public and will contribute to the continuous improvement of operations.
It is the goal of the Corporation of the Municipality of East Ferris to improve the quality of public administration and governance by encouraging high standards of conduct on the part of all government officials. In particular, the public is entitled to expect the highest standards of conduct from the members that it elects to local government. In turn, adherence to these standards will protect and maintain the Corporation of the Municipality of East Ferris’ reputation and integrity.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the relationship between members of council and the officers and employees of the Municipality of East Ferris is co-operative, supportive, and positive with a clear understanding of the respective roles and responsibilities. Section 270 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, requires that the municipality adopt and maintain a policy with respect to the relationship between members of council and the officers and employees of the Corporation.
The Economic Development Strategy and Facilities Master Plan has been a cooperative effort involving businesses, citizens, staff and Council.
The Municipality of East Ferris Five-Year Economic Development Strategy was a collaborative effort involving businesses, residents, staff and Council.
Karen Jones Consulting Inc. was retained to develop the Five-Year Economic Development Strategy utilizing data collected from the community. The plan reflects the thoughtful
input and insightful recommendations of those who dedicated their time and effort to this initiative.
Council adopted the East Ferris Community Emergency Plan on February 28th, 2023.
This Plan contains changes and revisions made to the previous Community Emergency Plan under By-law #2220 and which replaces all previously adopted plans. By-law 2023-09 is passed under the authority of The Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter E.9.
To provide standards for flags flown on The Corporation of the Municipality of East Ferris' property including procedures and protocols for raising and lowering flags, as well as a list of events for which the flag should be lowered to half-mast.
To also provide public awareness opportunities for various organizations, community, and citizen matters.
This Report summarizes the existing water quality in Lake Nosbonsing and provides
estimates of development capacity derived by three methods and recommendations for
a) additional monitoring, and;
b) Best Management Practices to maintain water quality in the lake.
Trout Lake Existing Conditions, Issues, Opportunities & Constraints (Oct. 2023)
Trout Lake Directions Report (June 2022)
Trout Lake Directions Report Addendum (Nov. 2023)
A policy to govern the handling of municipal by-law complaints received by the Municipality and to ensure standardized, thorough, prompt, and courteous receipt, processing, investigation, and resolution thereof. This policy is intended to apply to both municipal by-laws and provincial statutes which the Municipality is responsible for enforcing.
The Municipality of East Ferris is committed to developing and maintaining professional working relationships with the media to promote public awareness and understanding of initiatives, programs and services, issues facing the municipality, corporate policies and Council decisions.
The purpose of the Media Relations Policy is to ensure professionalism and consistency in how the municipality communicates and collaborates with the media to manage proactive and reactive media relations activities. This policy outlines who can interact with the media in an official capacity on behalf of the Municipality. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Mayor lead official media relations activities on behalf of the municipality, but all Council members and departments have a role to play in building cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships between the Municipality and the media.
To view the Official Plan for the Municipality of East Ferris, please visit:
Municipality of East Ferris Strategic Plan 2023-2026
Download the Strategic Plan Progress Report for 2023-2024
By-Law 2021-60 (Comprehensive Zoning By-Law)
Special Zones
Schedule A
Schedule A1
Schedule A2
Schedule A3
Schedule A4
Schedule A5