Municipal Services

Building Services

The Building Department issues permits for the construction, renovation, and demolition of buildings. Building Department staff review permit applications for compliance with the Ontario Building Code Act and the Building Code, but permit applications may be sent to other municipal officials to ensure compliance with the other applicable laws and regulations such as the Zoning By-Law. Through reviewing and issuing building permits, the municipality can ensure that buildings are safe and meet applicable building controls and laws.

In accordance with the Ontario Building Code Act, the role of the Chief Building Official (CBO) includes establishing operational policies for the enforcement of the Building Code Act and Building Code and coordinating and overseeing their enforcement; issuing permits for the construction, renovation or demolition of buildings that conform to the requirements of the Building Code Act and the Building Code; exercising powers and performing other duties assigned to them under the Building Code Act and the Building Code, including reviewing plans, inspecting construction and issuing orders.

The CBO is responsible for all statutory enforcement functions under the Ontario Building Code Act and oversees the activities of the Building Department. The CBO reports to the Chief Administrative Officer.

All inquiries related to the Planning Act, Zoning By-Law or other Planning related legislation should be directed to the Planning Department.

Tekpreet Singh

Chief Building Official 
(705) 752-2740 ext. 267