Meetings & Agendas
Council regularly meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. For the months of July and August, the meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month is cancelled. Meetings are held at the Municipal Office, 25 Taillefer Road, at 5:00 pm. All meetings are open to the public unless otherwise stated. Meetings are streamed live and available virtually on our YouTube channel at
Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or upon the request of the majority of members of Council. Notices for special meetings are posted on the municipal website and Facebook page.
There are special circumstances in which a meeting must be closed to the public. Section 239 of the Municipal Act provides for in-camera meetings.
If you require further information on Council proceedings or wish to appear before Council to make a presentation, please contact the Clerk’s Office at (705) 752-2740 ext. 227.
Agenda - November 28, 2024: Meeting Cancelled. Will be Rescheduled | Minutes - |
Lake Nosbonsing OPP Detachment Board 2025 Meeting Schedule:
March 27th, 2025
May 22nd, 2025
September 25th, 2025
November 27th, 2025.
All meetings are at 5:00 p.m. in our Council Chambers.