By-Law Enforcement Services
By-Law Enforcement is responsible for investigating concerns related to by-law contraventions and property standards issues. Our approach to by-law enforcement is primarily complaint based. We are committed to the delivery of professional by-law enforcement in a timely and effective manner. In an effort to achieve compliance by the most effective and efficient means, we are reviewing some of our more common by-laws and setting fines so that we can effectively enforce them, and have adopted a Municipal Law Enforcement Policy. We aim to achieve compliance with municipal by-laws through education and, as necessary, enforcement and prosecution.
The primary goals of by-law enforcement are:
- Public safety;
- Maintenance of community standards that contribute to improving the quality of life in East Ferris; and
- Management of behavioural and nuisance issues to promote a harmonious living environment for residents and their neighbours.
The majority of concerns that By-Law Enforcement Services is contacted about are:
Municipal Law Enforcement Policy