Frequently Requested By-laws
Being a By-law to adopt accountability and transparency policies.
Being a By-law to regulate animals in the Municipality of East Ferris.
Being a by-law to provide regulations for maintaining land in a clean and clear condition.
Being a By-Law of the Municipality of East Ferris with respect to the establishment and requirement of the payment of fees for information, services activities and use of the corporation's property.
Being a By-law to regulate property fences in the Municipality of East Ferris.
Being a By-law requiring owners to fence privately owned swimming pools.
Being a By-law to adopt a policy respecting the management of nuisance beavers and beaver dams in the Municipality of East Ferris.
Being a By-Law to establish procedure for the sale of real property owned by the corporation of the Township of East Ferris.
Being a By-Law to provide for the regulation of open air burning in the Municipality of East Ferris.
Being a by-law for the use, regulation and protection of municipal parks and recreation areas for the Municipality of East Ferris.
Being a By-Law to govern the proceeding of council, local boards and committees of either, the conduct of its members the calling of the meeting and to establish rules of order.
Being a By-Law to prohibt excessive noise.
By-law 1756: Being a By-law to regulate the use of septic tanks adjacent to Trout Lake and Lake Nosbonsing.
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By-law 2014-11 (Amendment to By-law 1756): Being a By-law regulating the pump out of sewage disposal systems in East Ferris.
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Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 2013-15, a By-law for establishing and maintaining a system for the collection and removal and appropriate disposal of solid waste within the Municipality of East Ferris.
This By-law may be referred to as “The Zoning By-Law for the Municipality of East Ferris”, or “East Ferris Zoning By-law” for short and applies to all land and waters within the boundaries of the Municipality of East Ferris.
This By-law shall be administered by the Manager of Planning and Economic Development, Chief Building Official, and any other persons as Council may designate from time to time.
View the By-law here.