Purchase Your Open Air Burning Permit Online

Current Fire Rating
All burning must comply with the Municipal Open Air Burning By-Law.
Fires greater than 1 metre x 1 metre require a fire permit during the period of April 1st to October 31st of each year. Permits are available at a cost of $10.00 for 2 weeks or $20 for 4 weeks. Please note that there is no burning before 6:00 pm or after 8:00 am. Adequate man power and safety equipment is required at the site to ensure the fire is contained at all times. Day time burning is not permitted unless written authorization is provided from the Fire Chief.
Camp fires under 1 metre x 1 metre do not require a permit, but all other rules for burning apply.
The Fire Chief and/or the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has the authority to cancel all burning permits. Please listen to the local radio stations for fire ban information. There is a Fire Hazard Board located at both Fire Stations in East Ferris. Please respect the boards and do not burn during the high hazard and fire ban periods.
Permits are available at the following locations:
- East Ferris Municipal Office, 25 Taillefer Road, Corbeil – 752-2740
- East Ferris Public Library, 1257 Village Road, Astorville -752-2042
- Lucky 13, 368 Hwy 94, Corbeil – 752-2855