News & Notices

Vacancy: Boards & Committees

The Municipality of East Ferris invites applications from members of the general public (must be eighteen years of age or older and a resident of the Municipality of East Ferris) who wish to be considered for appointment to our Boards and Committees. We encourage qualified and interested individuals to volunteer their services and to provide input on various issues that affect the Municipality of East Ferris. The appointment will be for the remaining term of Council.

Planning Advisory Committee and Committee of Adjustment – (1 member required)

Appointments are on a volunteer basis only and no compensation will be paid unless otherwise stated in the Municipality of East Ferris Boards & Committees Policy.
Should you wish to serve on the above committees, the application form and the Municipality of East Ferris Boards & Committees Policy can be found on our website:

Persons interested in and eligible to serve on the above committees are asked to submit a completed application for Citizen Appointments to Boards and Committees to the Municipal Clerk by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 6th, 2024.
Completed application forms shall be delivered, mailed, or emailed to:

Kari Hanselman, Clerk
Municipality of East Ferris
25 Taillefer Road
Corbeil, ON P0H 1K0