Planning Application Forms
Applications and sketches must be submitted in metric units.
In order to help you with your development, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has developed a number of resources.
Official Plan Amendment:
An Official Plan Amendment is required when you do not meet the policies contained within the Official Plan. Applications for an Official Plan Amendment are heard by the Planning Advisory Committee. This Committee makes recommendations to Council. Please contact the Planning Department for further information.
Plan of Subdivision/Condominium:
An application for Plan of Subdivision/Condominium is required when applying for multiple lots on a parcel of land. Applications for a Plan of Subdivision/Condominium are heard by the Planning Advisory Committee. This Committee makes recommendations to Council. Please contact the Planning Department for further information.
Consent to Sever:
A Consent to Sever (Land Severance) Application may be required when you want to sell a piece of land, add land to your property, create an easement or establish a right-of-way on your property. A land severance is required if you wish to sell, mortgage, charge or enter into an agreement (at least 21 years) for a portion of your land. Consent to Sever Applications are heard by the Committee of Adjustment. The Planning Advisory Committee is a committee composed of volunteers and councillors to hear applications, hold public meetings to hear input from the public and make recommendations to Council on Consent to Sever applications.
Zoning By-law Amendment:
A Zoning By-law Amendment is typically applied when a change in use or larger setback changes are required. Zoning By-law Amendments are heard by the Planning Advisory Committee. The Planning Advisory Committee
Minor Variance:
Minor Variances are typically for minor changes to the Zoning By-law. Applications for Minor Variances are heard by the Committee of Adjustment. The Committee of Adjustment is an independent Committee appointed by Council that has been delegated the power to make decisions on minor variance applications.
Site Plan Control:
Through Site Plan Control, the Municipality of East Ferris can enter into agreements with land owners to address on site development such as:
- The look and placement of the property and natural features;
- Development adjacent to environmental constraints;
- The implementation of natural visual barriers (e.g. implementation of vegetative buffers) and;
- The type of materials that can be used on the property.