Septic Information
All properties within the Municipality of East Ferris are building on private septic systems.
The Municipality has minimum setbacks for septic systems on Trout Lake, Lake Nosbonsing and inflowing streams. The North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) reviews and issues permits for septic systems within the Municipality.
Permits are reviewed based on the size of the building, number of bedrooms and the number of plumbing fixtures. Please note that if you are planning on a renovation or addition to a building that will increase your overall house size by 15% or greater the NBMCA must be notified and a septic system file review is required. Be sure to consult early to avoid potential delays.
North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority
15 Janey Avenue, North Bay
Telephone: 705-474-5420
In addition to setback requirements it is important to maintain the Municipal septic system. The Municipality has a Mandatory Septic System Pump Out By-law where certain property owners must pump out their system every three years. Please review the By-law.