Property Taxes
The Municipality of East Ferris mails out property tax bills twice per year. The interim billing is mailed in by early February and represents 50% of the prior year’s total taxes. The final tax billing is mailed by early June after the Municipality adopts its annual operating budget and tax rates. Both the interim and final tax bills have two payment installments. Interim billing installments are due by the last business day in the months of February and March. Final billing installments are due by the last business day in the months of June and July.
The Municipality of East Ferris does not have the legal authority to amend the assessment roll without authorization from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Legal documentation for changes, additions and deletions of names is required. Mailing address change forms are available at the Municipal Office or clicking on the link below. Changes received will be forwarded to MPAC on your behalf.
The following payment methods are available:
- Pre-authorized Payment Plans
For accounts with no tax arrears:
- Monthly (1st or 15th of each month): Annual taxes are withdrawn once per month over 12 months from January to December. Payment schedules are mailed in December and July.
- Bi-Monthly (1st and 15th of each month): Annual taxes are withdrawn twice per month over 12 months from January to December. Payment schedules are mailed in December and July.
- Installment due dates: Tax payments are withdrawn on the installment due dates.
For accounts in tax arrears:
- Monthly: 12 monthly withdrawals on the 1st or 15th of each month – outstanding balances are subject to penalty and interest. Interest will continue to be added until the outstanding balance is paid. Once the account is paid-to-date, the ratepayer will have the option of choosing one of the options above.
Arrears Pre-Authorized Payment Form Municipal Taxes
Cancellation and Change Form - Pre-Authorized Payment Form for Municipal Taxes
- By Mail:
Please attach your cheque or money order to the payment stub provided. Make cheques payable to “Municipality of East Ferris”. Please do not mail cash. Mail your payment to:
Municipality of East Ferris
25 Taillefer Road
Corbeil, ON P0H 1K0
- In-Person (Municipal Office - 25 Taillefer Road, Corbeil):
Payments may be made by cheque, money order, interac and cash. Credit cards are not accepted. The Municipal Office has an outside payment slot, located to the right of the front door for overnight drop off. Please do not drop off cash in the payment slot.
- Internet/Telephone Banking:
Payments can be made using personal online internet/telephone banking. Six (6) digits of your nineteen (19) digit roll number, digits 10 through 15 without hyphens, are required to process your payment (i.e. 4834-0000-01-23456-0000). This option may be subject to service charges by your financial institution.
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for accurately valuing and classifying properties in Ontario. The assessed value of your property is used as the basis for calculating your property taxes. The Municipality is not responsible for assessing property value and is not authorized to make changes to any property assessments. Should you have any questions regarding your property’s assessed value, please contact MPAC toll free at 1-866-296-6722, the North Bay office at (705) 474-4553 or online at www.mpac.ca.
Where do my taxes go?
There a two levies on your tax bill: a general municipal levy and an education levy. The general levy helps pay for services, operations, capital infrastructure purchases and debt repayment of the Municipality. The education levy is collected and remitted to local school boards for the delivery of educational services. There is also a separate special levy for garbage and recycling services which appears on your final tax bill each year. A portion of the general levy is collected and remitted to the local agencies, boards and commissions which include Cassellholme for the Aged, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit, OPP policing services, District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board, East Ferris Public Library, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, and the North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority.
How are my taxes calculated?
The standard formula in Ontario to calculate your taxes is the tax rate multiplied by the assessed value of your property.
How can I calculate what my taxes will be on my new home or one I am considering to buy?
The standard formula in Ontario to calculate your taxes is the tax rate multiplied by the assessed value of your property.
For a detailed breakdown of your property taxes, try our Property Tax Calculator.
How are tax rates calculated?
When the Municipality's operating budget for the year has been passed by Council, the amount is determined by taking the total expenditures less non-taxation revenues. This calculation is the amount that is to be levied to the ratepayers.
To calculate the residential tax rate, the amount required to be levied to the ratepayers is divided by the total weighted assessment. Non-residential tax rates are determined by multiplying each property class' respective tax ratio and the residential tax rate.
The Province of Ontario sets the Education Tax Rate.
How is my property assessed?
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) determines the value of your property. The value is typically based on over twenty (20) factors including: location, current market value, living area, age of building, lot size and quality of construction
What if I disagree with the assessed value of my property?
If you disagree with the assessed value of your property, you may file a Request for Reconsideration with the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Please visit www.mpac.ca to learn more.
The Municipality is not able to change the assessment of your property until MPAC has instructed the changes.
What is the penalty/interest rate on tax arrears?
Penalty and interest is charged on overdue taxes as authorized by Section 345 of the Municipal Act, 2001. A penalty of 1.25% is added to overdue accounts on the 1st day of default and interest at 1.25% per month is added on the 1st of each month thereafter. To avoid penalty and interest charges, please ensure that your payment is received by the due date.
Please note that we will not reverse interest charges that have been applied to tax accounts unless it was applied due to an administrative error.
I am selling my house and the closing date will be in the middle of the tax billing period. How do I determine what portion of taxes I must pay?
When you sell your house, your lawyer will prepare a Statement of Adjustments which will divide the portion of the tax bill that the you are responsible for and the portion the new owner is required to pay. The lawyer typically prepares the necessary payments. The current owner is expected to pay all installments due up to the closing date.
How do I obtain a tax account information?
You can get a tax statement by contacting the Finance Department. There are fees for certain inquiries.