Garbage & Recycling Collection
The Municipality offers garbage and recycling curbside collection, but there are limitations. Households located on private roads (non-municipally maintained roads) are to bring their garbage and recycling materials to the closest maintained road near their household. Please see our Waste Dispoal By-law for additional information.
The Municipality of East Ferris’ landfill site is located at the end of Bertha Road (off Corbeil Road). If you miss your regular garbage collection day or have larger items to dispose of, you may visit the Landfill Site. for detailed information regarding fees and charges at the landfill, please click here. Please note that the landfill is closed on all statutory holidays.
Landfill Site Hours
Winter Hours November 1st - March 31st |
Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Summer Hours April 1st - October 31st |
Tuesdays 12:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. |
Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
Additonal information and helpful tips can be found in the Municipality's annual calendar.
You may drop off scrap metal and electronics at the Landfill Site at no charge. The Municipality works in partnership with Ontario Stewardship Programs to help protect the environment and recycle materials. This also extends the life of the landfill site, ensuring other generations can have the convenience of a landfill site as well. Consider donating any gently used items prior to disposing of them in the Landfill Site.
Other Acceptable items:
- Outside Yard Waste
- Large Appliances
- Large Appliances
- Shingles (with proof of Building Permit)
There are fees associated for using the landfill site. Trucks and trailers are charged based on the size of the load (in cubic metres). The Landfill Attendant will measure the load and determine the charge.
The Municipality offers weekly garbage collection through a contracted service agreement with pick up either on a Monday or Wednesday. Please note that Quae Quae Road and Bertha Road are the dividing roadways for collection day.
For Curbside Collection the rules are as follows:
- There is a three bag limit.
- Collection for residential properties and household waste only.
- Bags must be placed in a container or bin with a lid and placed at the end of the driveway. If you use a bin with more than one user you require a Communal Bin Permit. Permits are free but allow the Municipality the ability to know where garbage collection is taking place in case there are future problems.
- Please place garbage and recycling at the curbside by 7:00 am on collection day.
Items not picked up at curbside:
- Hazardous waste
- Yard or construction waste
- Large items, appliances, electronics
Curbside Recycling:
Click here to download the Recycling Schedule